Eloiza Jorge, MSW, MA, LCSW, CPC
Eloiza is a therapist and intuitive counselor in Montclair, NJ. Her professional career began in urban education and she later became a teacher trainer and part-time lecturer. She has BA in Sociology and Women’s Studies from Rutgers University and an MA in Social & Cultural Studies in Education from UC Berkeley. Her coaching credential (CPC) is through Leadership That Works— she’s been working as a coach since 2010. In 2018 she earned a second masters, an MSW, from Rutgers University and is now working as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Social justice, racial equality and environmental conservation are three issues to which she is committed. She inherits her love of nature and a duty to contribute to worthy causes from her grandmother. In her late teens she took part in the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond’s Undoing Racism training and became an activist during college (taking part in both campus and community campaigns). She continues to study and is now turning her attention to the inner and spiritual work of racial justice.
Eloiza’s hobbies include Afro-Caribbean dance, collage art and writing. She’s also deeply interested in spirituality and healing. She’s a single mother of two.